Home games may be viewed online at
Coming up: (See also on
Thursday January 30, 2025 4:30pm Volleyball (Girls JH) - MARSHALL JR HIGH SCHOOL (A)
6:00pm Basketball (Girls HS) - RED HILL HIGH SCHOOL (A)
Friday January 31, 2025 4:30pm Volleyball (Girls JH) - SACRED HEART ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (H)
Saturday February 1, 2025 Basketball (Boys HS) - PANTHER SHOOTOUT (A)
8th grade boys basketball Regionals (H)
Clubs, Classes, and other activities:
We need more concession stand workers for home games. See the sign up sheet next to Mr. Howald's math classroom. Students who help out in the concession stand during a game will get their name in a drawing for prizes.
We are again participating in the Possum's Purpose "Awesome Possum Report." This program recognizes students who go above and beyond for classmates or set a positive example for others. The nomination forms can be found by the main office and are to be placed in the black box.
Students, please be aware of your surroundings when entering and leaving the school parking lot. Pay attention especially at the end of the day when we have several younger students on the grounds.
We have lifeguard applications for the Marshall pool in the office.
February is Random Acts of Kindness month. Just a reminder that we have the little black Possum's Purpose box by the office where you can report acts of kindness you see from other students. If you enjoy coloring, I have coloring sheets in the office to go on my kindness bulletin board for February. Please come and get one!
Juniors - Mrs. Williams is needing workers for the remaining games in February. Please see her to get signed up.
Homeroom meetings:
For Parents:
Subscribe to NFHS Network to watch Bluestreaks athletics online.
For Teachers & Staff:
Teachers: please have students put all chairs up on desks/tables at the end of the day.