Two men working on a truck

Kaleb Flinn, senior, participates in the School to Work program by spending his afternoons at Tally Automotive right here in Martinsville. Kaleb began keeping the shop clean before stepping into the role of working on automobiles. His supervisor reports he has a good work ethic and has been very trainable. Kaleb asks questions and deals with local farmers on a daily basis in an effective manner. Kaleb follows other MHS alumni at Tally's as he now works with their full time employees Seth Shewmaker and Corbin Sharp. Zach Tally reports that all of these young men have gained confidence as they get daily hands-on experience with all sorts of engines. Corbin and Seth chiefly work on heavy duty mechanical projects. Corbin also has electrical diagnosis experience from his time spent at Lake Land College. Zach is looking to one day expand his business. We are grateful for Tally's who give our students on the job experience in the automotive industry.