During the 2023-2024 school year, we will highlight our AMAZING Martinsville District Staff! Each one of our staff members begin teaching for a reason and we've asked them to walk down memory lane and "REMEMBER YOUR WHY"...enjoy this story about 1st grade teacher, Natalie Young…
Natalie Young, 1st grade teacher at MES attended Lake Land and EIU to obtain a degree in Elementary Education with a concentration in Math. Natalie, a graduate of Martinsville said, “I love that the classrooms are a nice size for the student-to-teacher ratio. It allows you to get to know the students and their families so very well. You can also spend more one-on-one time with each student to help them achieve all of their educational goals!”
One thing she enjoys most about working with students is that they are “so sweet and eager to learn!” Mrs. Young said she chose education because “it is what I always wanted to do! I love kids and helping others!”
She is quite proud of students and their “ah-ha” moments. She recalls that one class had “hit a brick wall with their counting to 1,000; however, we kept chugging along reinforcing the process behind counting. Then, the next day the light bulb went off! A student said how they finally got it, that it was actually easy, and they loved their counting book! Everyone completed their book and were so proud of their accomplishment.”
We are thankful that Mrs. Young continues to serve in the same school she once attended…we are thankful for her compassion and love for MES students!