If the need arises for school to be cancelled or delayed due to inclement weather, you can access information from a variety of sources including: WTHI, WTWO, WAND, WMMC, district social media pages, and the district webpage at www.martinsville.k12.il.us
In the event we have to utilize a two hour delay this winter, please remember:
The Illinois State Board of Education has ruled that Delayed Start days will count as a full day of attendance for state aid purposes, so they will not have to be made up at the end of the year like an Emergency Day (cancellation) would. While school may still be cancelled entirely for severe weather, we will utilize the Delayed Start days when the extra two hours of snow plowing and warming temperatures could improve road conditions enough to allow us to have school.
The 2-hour Delayed Start days will be implemented during this school year if it becomes necessary. Parents/guardians/staff should make plans now for their children in case we do utilize this option.
When the district announces a 2-hour Delayed Start:
1. All buses will run 2 hours later than on a regular attendance day.
2. Students who walk to school or are dropped off should arrive no earlier than 9:50 AM.
3. Classes will start at 10:00AM.
4. Lunch and dismissal times will be the same as a regular attendance day.
5. Breakfast and AM preschool will not be offered on 2-hour Delayed Start days.
6. Teachers and ESP's (other than custodians) report 2 hours after their normal start time. Anyone whose normal start time is 10:00 or later reports at normal time.
7. Any practices scheduled before school hours will be cancelled.
8. Dismissal time will be the same as a regular day.