The following information about the history of MCHS was found in the 1924 Annual called "The Old Trail". The senior class of 1924 dedicated the first volume of the The Old Trail to the old MHS on the South Side of town. That yearbook contained this photo and description of how the "new" MCHS came to be where it stood in full until the 2008/2009 school year. Enjoy this historic information...
"No complete appreciation of the true history of MCHS could be discerned without first knowing some of the early history of the community. The old high school was erected in 1871 and for several years was used as a grade school. Near the year 1885, the first high school course was introduced and in 1887, the first class graduated. As the years passed and the high school was made into a community school, the attendance increased so rapidly that due to inadequate space, the need for new building was made known. After much discussion, the fall of 1920 marked election time and the vote failed by a bare majority. Again an election was held, this time in the Spring of 1921, and, after much electioneering, it was known that there was to be a new Martinsville community high school. Little time was lost after a suitable location was found; the Wells lot of 10 acres bordering the National road at the west end of town was decided to be the most suitable that could be found. During 1921-22 work on the grounds and building was begun. All through the summer, the construction of the building was well under way, and in September 1922, school was held in the high school for the first time. The building was not entirely finished, and so the workmen continued their work and the school was practically finished by Christmas. Courses in agriculture, Manual training, Science, Languages and Home Economics in addition to the regular high school course were introduced with a faculty number nine members: Mr. Girhard, Mr. Apple, Mr. Shephard, Miss Lovett, Miss Bradbury, Miss Greider, Miss Hutchens, Miss Tearney, Miss MacDonald."
If you have school history you'd like to share, please contact Mrs. Norton at