A preschool addition to MES has been a discussion for over 10 years. Limited space at MES has continued to be an issue and this spring an answer to that has come to fruition. Mobilease was able to offer a solution and work began last fall to prepare for the arrival of a modular building that is now housed on the southeast side of the campus of MES. It was recently put into place, but the work continues in order to prepare it for staff and students to use beginning in the 24-25 school year.
MCUSDC#3 Maintenance Director, Jeff Dhom. has coordinated with local contractors since last summer in order to prepare for the installation. The contractors that have assisted him include: S and W Electric, Whaley Plumbing, Snearley and Company, Duniphan Concrete, Quality Gutters, and Misco Crane Services.
Although the building has been set, Mr. Dhom will continue working on drainage/grading the property, installing sidewalks and new preschool play equipment, fencing, and landscaping.
MES is grateful for all the workers who helped make this much needed space become reality!