Laney Gowin will be part of the 4th grade team at MES when school begins in August. Miss Gowin is also coaching volleyball. Miss Gowin graduated from U of I Springfield with degrees in elementary education and psychology. When asked for some background information, Miss Gowin shared: "I have played sports for as long as I can remember and I was lucky enough to have been able to play through college. Unfortunately, I had two shoulder surgeries and was unable to play my senior year. I remained on the team, but my role was different. Although I love sports, I would say my love for my dogs is much greater." Miss Gowin said she has three dogs: Red, Arlo, and Richey.
She added, "I have known that I have wanted to be a teacher since I was in the first grade. I've tutored students for many years. My biggest joy is working with students who struggle with behavioral issues as it is very rewarding. I'm most excited about getting to work in the school I've had the privilege of subbing in as it has given me a chance to to get to know students and staff. I love the closeness that I feel among the teachers."
Let's give Miss Gowin a great BIG BLUESTREAK welcome!