Michael Connelly, current Board of Education President for the MCUSD, proudly expresses why he is "Forever a Bluestreak"...
"As a 1987 graduate of Martinsville High School, I have made lifelong friends. The setting of a small town and smaller classes brought everyone together. If I remember correctly, our graduating class had 43 people from all walks of life. We learned, played sports and worked together. As social media developed, it’s amazing how many of us are in contact in some form today. Some of my best memories come from Mr. McCoy’s biology classes, Mr. Nave’s Ag classes, and Mr. Ellington’s shop classes. Many sporting events come to mind as well. Coaches and teachers sometimes do not realize their impact on students and the memories they will carry for a lifetime. I’m forever glad I grew up as a Bluestreak and forever will be."
Thank you Michael for your heartfelt sentiments about your time at MHS...just another great example of why it is great to be "Forever a Bluestreak"!
Submit yours today by sending it to vnorton@martinsville.k12.il.us Photos are welcome, but not a necessity.